Scythia mini 11
The 11th International Mini Textile and Fibre Art Exhibition, Ivano-Frakivs’k, Ukraine.
The 11th International Mini Textile and Fibre Art Exhibition, Ivano-Frakivs’k, Ukraine.
Arapiles Community Theatre Natimuk’s inaugural event will be showcasing Anthony Pelchen's 'Signals from the Dark'
ACT Natimuk Creative Lab recipient Anthony Pelchen’s 2021 project Signals from the Dark has been captured in a short film by Jacqui Schulz. Amidst the lockdown, the 10,000 lumen light installation and fourteen dusk performances by D’Arcy Molan and Grace Pundyk illuminated a quiet Natimuk Main Street. Come and watch it with us!
And here's a little sneak peek - https://fb.watch/k9iUDB1NK7/
For further info gm@actnatimuk.com
For a little more info about Anthony and the project, visit his website – https://www.anthonypelchen.com/work-projects/selected-recent-projects/signals-from-the-dark-natimuk-2021/
Heirloom is appearing in Folk Tales, a group exhibition that celebrates Polish Visual Arts in Australia and New Zealand. The exhibition will showcase a dynamic range of artists that draw inspiration directly from Polish folklore.
Heirloom is on display at The Edge gallery for PolFest 2022.
Pop in for a chat and try on one of these spectacular head pieces.
Thread[laid]bare, showcases artists and makers who push the boundaries of contemporary art and craft practices through a commonality of thread whether they are textile based or simply inspired by thread.
In Heirloom, choreographer and artist Grace Pundyk adorns MADEn heads with her unique flower headpieces to weave a story of history and mourning and the honouring of ancestors.
Curated by Grace Pundyk, Paper off Skin gives artists, designers and papermakers the opportunity to explore the unique and versatile qualities of paper as a medium of creativity.
This inaugural exhibition is a sister event to Paper on Skin, which has driven extraordinary innovation in the world of wearable paper art since its inception in 2012.
A solo exhibition of new works, the exhibition will be opened by the Consul-General of the Republic of Poland, Dr Monika Konczyk.
As the world decides if it’s closing down or opening up, four artists are signalling from the small rural town of Natimuk in Australia. Generous gestures at a big time: Anthony Pelchen - installation, D’Arcy Molan - saxophone, Grace Pundyk – spoken word, Jacqui Schulz- filming.
A celebration of inheritance, of grandmothers, of the ephemeral wild and those invisible threads that move and shape us no matter how seemingly distant and unknown.
An exhibition of works on handmade parchment sourced from marsupial roadkill.
Azza Zein Vicki West Grace Pundyk Rebekah Pryor Rachel Joy Lynne Gray Vicki Couzens Kate Campbell-Pope Lauren Black Lorraine Biggs Ursula Betka Ros Atkins
As part of the Alan Villiers & the Sons of Sindbad exhibition, and the Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah Cultural Season, I will be presenting a lecture ‘Alan Villiers’ Kuwait Sojourn at the Amricani Cultural Center.
The event celebrates 80th anniversary of Villiers’ trip to Kuwait in 1939 and is presented by the Australian National Maritime Museum in conjunction with the Dar Al-Athar Al-Islamiyyah, Kuwait’s National Council for Art, Culture and Letters, and the Australian Embassy (Kuwait).
A fascinating photographic exhibition showcasing 50 photographs from the late 1930s when Australian journalist, novelist, sailor and adventurer Alan Villiers travelled to Arabia to photograph, film and write about what he believed were the last days of merchant sailing ships. Villiers captured the age-old Arabian sailing traditions, the great skills and hardship endured by the sailors, and Kuwait City before the discovery of oil which changed the face of Kuwait forever.
Inspired by ancient and continuing traditions of spiritual contemplation, and curated by artist and academic Dr Rebekah Pryor, holy, honest confluences considers the complex personal and communal relationships between humans, and between humans and other living beings and things.
Paper and exhibition at ‘Redefining Australia and New Zealand: Changes, Innovations, Reversals’, University of Warsaw, Poland
‘Eid clothes: in memory of Yemen’ - Grace Pundyk, finalist
Now in it's third year, the Maggie Diaz Photography Prize for Women is open to women photographers of all ages, backgrounds and career levels. The only requirement is photographers must only use available light.